River Ranch Development

Houston, TX

Landev Engineers was responsible for the general development plan for 671 acres, the first phase of development for River Ranch, a master-planned community in Liberty County in the northeast corner of the Houston Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The first phase consists of approximately 230 large estate lots and 1,070 standard residential lots—a total of 1,300 homes. The plans also called for a 12-acre school site, 5 acres for a wastewater treatment plant, 1 acre for a water treatment plant, and roughly 135 acres for commercial real estate. The master-planned community also includes a trail system throughout the development.

Liberty County projects its population to increase from about 78,000 in 2014 to over 118,000 by 2035, according to its strategic plan. The City of Dayton, which resides inside Liberty County, is also expected to see major growth in its community, with its current population doubling or even tripling by 2035. Learn more about the economic impact this project will have by reading the recently published article in the Houston Business Journal here . (https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2017/12/07/7-000-acremasterplanned-community-to-be.html?ana=lnk)

Landev Engineers is pleased to be able to provide engineering and surveying services for this unfolding project. Landev Engineers will also be serving as the District Engineer for River Ranch Municipal Utility District (MUD) 1, providing the engineering for a water plant, sewer plant, and several hundred linear feet of utility work, grading, and drainage improvements for the area.

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