Water & Wastewater

Highlands Siphons

Highlands Siphons Baytown,TX The North Main Siphon consisted of one 42-inch reinforced concrete (RCP) siphon pipe with supporting headwall structures at each end. This existing 42-inch RCP siphon was extended downstream by 60 linear feet to accommodate the expansion of North Main Street pavement widening project by the Harris County Public Infrastructure Department (HCPID) and the City of Baytown (COB) 12-inch sanitary sewer adjacent to the HCPID project. Project was completed on time for a construction cost of $427,461.00 The Garth Road Siphon consisted of the upgrade of a single 48-inch RCP siphon to dual 48-inch CCFRP siphons. The upgrade was done due to the near future plans of the Harris County Public Infrastructure Department to widen Garth Road and to provide increased flow necessary for the downstream end users. A downstream sluice gate will be removed and the canal reconstructed to maximize flow capacity. Project is currently under design with an Opinion of Probable Construction cost estimate of $1,300,000 The Wallisville Road Siphon consisted of the upgrade of a single 48-inch RCP siphon to dual 48-inch CCFRP siphons. The upgrade was done due to the near future plans of the Harris County Public Infrastructure Department to widen Wallisville Road and to provide increased flow necessary for the downstream end users. The dual 48-inch siphons were extended downstream to replace the 90 degree bend from open channel to underground. This will eliminate the continued maintenance of the eroded channel side slopes due to water forces. Project is currently under design with an Opinion of Probable Construction cost estimate of $1,300,000

North Fort Bend Water Authority

North Fort Bend Water Authority Houston,TX RG Miller | DCCM assisted with the design of 10,400 LF of 12″, 16″, 20″ and 24″ diameter water lines and appurtenances, preparation of bid and construction documents and the construction phase services.  

Malabo Dos

Malabo Dos Malabo,Africa Located off the coast of Africa, this 28 acre site will serve as the offices and residential housing for a large international oil company. The civil engineering for this development included the design of paving, grading and drainage. Since no existing utilities were in place to serve the site, RG Miller | DCCM also designed an on-site wastewater treatment plant and water plant to provide water and sanitary sewer systems to the facilities. This project required extensive coordination with all disciplines in order to design a reliable and self-sufficient project.  

Wyman-Gordon Forgings

Wyman-Gordon Forgings Houston,TX RG Miller | DCCM provided civil engineering design services for the Wyman-Gordon Forgings campus in Houston, Texas, which included modifications to the north stormwater pump station and site design for a new, 60,000-square-foot, two-story administration building. This project required the analysis and design of new detention system to mitigate the increased runoff from the development. In addition to the office building, RG Miller | DCCM has been Wyman-Gordon’s go-to civil engineer for on-call engineering services. RG Miller | DCCM has been working now for over 5 years at Wyman-Gordon’s Telge Road Campus. One significant project recently completed was a major electrical distribution line relocation project. RG Miller | DCCM utilized DCCM’s electrical design services to provide the electrical design and construction administration services to convert the existing overhead service to an underground system. Another on-call project that RG Miller | DCCM has completed was major modifications to the north stormwater pumping station. As a result of a land transaction, Wyman-Gordon had to relocate the outfall channel for the north pump station. RG Miller | DCCM provided civil design and construction services to provide a new steel pipe section, baffle wall, and discharge channel within the campus.  

Centennial Park, Phase II and Trail Expansion

Centennial Park, Phase II and Trail Expansion Pearland,TX This project involves the civil work of a 100 space parking lot, waterline, wastewater line, drainage and detention necessary for the existing Centennial Park in the City of Pearland to expand to include two new softball fields and restrooms. The Trail Expansion work will involve a mid-block pedestrian crossing on Veterans Drive. Project is currently under design with an Opinion of Probable Construction cost estimate of $350,000  

Houston Heights Neighborhood Street Reconstruction

Houston Heights Neighborhood Street Reconstruction Houston,TX This project involves the reconstruction of over 12,000 linear feet of city streets bounded by White Oak Bayou on the north, Studemont Street on the east, Washington Avenue on the south and Harvard Street on the west. Several waterlines and a full upgrade to the wastewater system are also included is the project.  

Reclaimed Water System Feasibility Study (Dowdell)

Reclaimed Water System Feasibility Study (Dowdell) Klein,TX RG Miller | DCCM  prepared a detailed feasibility study for the implementation of reclaimed water system serving 30 water demand sites.  The study outlined planning, design, and implementation regulatory requirements for the use of Type I reclaimed water under Title 30, Chapter 210 of Texas Administrative Code.  The project identified over 30 potential demand sites for reclaimed water including both irrigation areas and amenity pond make up water. Treatment technologies were evaluated and implementation costs were estimated.  Total capital costs were estimated to be $10.8 million.  Total avoided water purchase costs were estimated to be 1.8 billion gallons from 2015 to 2044.  The avoided water purchase costs were estimated to be about $14.8 million over that same time horizon.  Total expenditures, with interest payments included, were estimated to be $12.1 million; yielding a savings of $2.7 million.  If “alternative water” incentives offered by the regional water authority were included, total savings increased to $4.4 million over the planning time horizon.  

SJRA Water Route C4

SJRA Water Route C4 Montgomery County,TX This project consisted of the design and construction of the San Jacinto River Authority Ground Water Reduction Program Project C-4. C-4 is a 24-inch waterline from Old Egypt Road (connection to C-2) to the City of Conroe Water Plant 15 and connection to C-3. The line was placed along FM 830, under IH 45 and along SH 75 in southern Montgomery County. The line was designed using open cut and trenchless operations like the 400 liner foot tunnel section under the main lanes of IH 45.  

Target Corporation

Target Corporation Humble, TX The Target, Humble shopping center is a multi-million dollar retail center located on 33 acres at the intersection of Townsend Boulevard and U.S. Highway 59 in Humble, Texas. The RG Miller | DCCM Site Development group performed the engineering design necessary to fill the site, construct drainage channel improvements with 2 bridge crossings, provided floodplain mitigation ponds, on-site lift station design, and all associated utilities and paving.  

Shops at Bella Terra

Shops at Bella Terra Katy, TX This 50 acre site for multiple retailers is located in Fort Bend County, Texas. Services included multi-phased development, design of public infrastructure, roadways and a bridge, as well as on-site private infrastructure.  

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