Chambers County Improvement District No. 1 Lift Station No. 4
Chambers County Improvement District No. 1 Lift Station No. 4 Baytown,TX The overall project scope, in addition to the lift station, included 1,700 linear feet of public water line, 1,800 linear feet of gravity sanitary sewer, and 2,200 linear feet of force main sanitary sewer for a total of 4,000 linear feet of wastewater infrastructure to serve two warehouses and accommodate future development within the district. Design services also included a conceptual wastewater demand study for future use of the lift station. Landev Engineers was also tasked with obtaining with all agency approvals, including the City of Baytown, Chambers County, and TCEQ. Doing so required additional erosion control measures in accordance with Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System as well as the compilation of construction documents necessary for public bidding purposes.