Houston Northwest Baptist Church Houston,TX Landev Engineers was responsible for the grading, paving, drainage, stormwater conveyance, stormwater detention, utilities, fire protection, and erosion control for a 10.5-acre redevelopment of an existing church site inundated by Hurricane Harvey. The project encompassed several months of coordination with other project disciplines including architectural, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and structural engineering and included review and coordination with the Harris County Public Infrastructure Department for the civil site and detention and earthwork in accordance with agency requirements. The project also included coordination with Dannenbaum Engineering for acquisition of utility capacity within Harris County MUD 230 as well as coordination with the district operator for obtaining fire pressure calculations and requirements. The civil/site work and detention capacity was based on a previous drainage report also prepared by Landev Engineers that identified key areas of watershed ponding due to excessive rainfall amounts in heavy rain storm events in low-laying areas and areas with undersized storm sewers. Landev Engineers analyzed stormwater conveyance requirements as well as stormwater detention requirements to mitigate the impacts of the redevelopment and allow for future development within the same site. In order to make sure the necessary components of the project were able to be built, a significant amount of demolition took place including the spreading and compacting on on-site fill material in an existing on-site detention basin, the relocation of storm sewer outfall discharges, and the associated watershed timing analysis resulting from the diversion. In addition to coordination with other engineering disciplines, Landev Engineers also coordinated with the landscape architect on the project to obtain a clear vision for future development within a plaza that was intended to replace the area of a flooded building.