Hydrology & Hydraulics

Mariposa Homes at Ella Boulevard

Mariposa Homes at Ella Boulevard Houston,TX 9 acre Senior Living Community Texas affordable housing project Private lift station and force main design to serve the site Remove the site from the 100 year floodplain with letter of map revision Assisted in preparation of all documents for submittal to TDHCA

South Central Cement

South Central Cement Houston,TX This 12 acre site is located at the confluence of the Houston Ship Channel and Greens Bayou and is used to transport cement and other products via cargo ships. RG Miller | DCCM was retained to provide a detention and flood plain mitigation analysis as well as to develop construction plans that would allow the site to be used for a large salvage yard. The site is located in a flood prone area so design parameters were established that placed the buildings and storage areas above flood stage and the remainder of the site at flood stage. This mitigated the impacts of flooding on the infrastructure

Men’s Wearhouse Distribution Center

Men’s Wearhouse Distribution Center Houston,TX Located on 46 acres in Southwest Houston, this 2 million square foot distribution center supports the companies 735 stores. The site was developed in multiple phases as additional space was required. In phase 1, detention and storm water quality were designed to accommodate the full development. This design included coordination with pipeline companies for storm sewer crossings. Site paving and grading were extensive and included accommodations for dock high truck bays. Other civil design elements included sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer design and design a reliable and self-sufficient project.  

Low Impact Development Design Evaluation for Bellaire Blvd Improvements

Low Impact Development Design Evaluation for Bellaire Blvd Improvements Fort Bend County,TX RG Miller | DCCM, in association with Asakura Robinson, prepared preliminary engineering designs, landscape designs, and cost estimates for a 2,800 foot segment of Bellaire Blvd near Mason Road. Designs and cost estimates were developed for a traditional curb and gutter drainage system and a natural drainage (also called low impact development) design featuring false back inlets, a depressed center median, reverse sloped pavement, bioswales, and high performance bioretention systems.  A weighted factor evaluation was conducted which showed that the LID design was feasible and cost less to construct than the traditional design.

Cypress Rose Hill Road

Cypress Rose Hill Road Cypress,TX Reconstruction of Cypress Rose Hill in northwest Harris County from a 2-lane asphalt open ditch section to a 4-lane concrete boulevard with side swales, storm sewers and two detention basins. The new road was designed to have the same Level of Service during extreme events as the existing road as the road traverses across a wide floodplain and through the floodway of Willow Creek. The two detention basins, being a combined 40 ac-ft of storage, are designed to mitigate any adverse impacts from the road improvements.  

Willow Trace

Willow Trace Harris County,TX The Willow Trace development covers 134 acres of land on Boudreaux Road in the northern portion of Harris County. The storm water drainage portion of the Willow Trace project involved the design of a three-basin storm water detention system, a pump installation to empty the lower (deeper) portion of the detention system, a 1,200-foot long discharge culvert, and improvements to a 3,400-foot segment of Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) Channel M114-00-00, a tributary to Willow Creek. RG Miller | DCCM used the HEC-RAS and HEC-HMS programs to complete hydraulic computations for Ditch M114-00-00 and the detention outfall system, as well as hydrologic routing operations through the detention system. Close coordination with the Harris County Public Infrastructure Department and Harris County Flood Control District was necessary to develop the final design of improvements to Channel M114-00-00, which called for concrete side slopes and an earthen bottom through most of the improved segment of the channel. A fully concrete-lined channel with multiple drop structures was required in the lower section of the channel to accommodate significant drops in natural ground elevation. RG Miller | DCCM prepared construction documents for the detention facility, pump installation, outfall pipe, and channel improvements. RGME also provided construction phase services for the project, including cost estimates, advertising, bidding, and direct oversight of the actual construction of the detention facilities and outfall drainage system.  

Freeport Street, Phase I

Freeport Street, Phase I Freeport,TX Reconstruction of Freeport Street from Woodforest to Uvalde including additional storm sewer/upgrading of storm sewers to alleviate occurrence of 1% (100-yr.) flooding in the neighborhood area. Project work also included the rework of numerous HCFCD Channels and Street Culvert Crossings to also convey the various storm events more efficiently. Included in the Project was the replacement of existing 2 lane concrete paving with new 2-lane concrete paving from Woodforest to Uvalde. Project was completed on time for a construction cost of $3,200,894.35  

Birnamwood Drive

Birnamwood Drive Harris County,TX RG Miller | DCCM was retained to plan and design flow monitoring and stormwater sampling facilities to monitor the hydraulic and pollutant removal performance of the first low impact development (LID) roadway constructed in Harris County. The roadway is located in the Spring Creek watershed and features a depressed center median with a bioswale and a biorention cell for stormwater quality treatment. RG Miller | DCCM developed a detailed monitoring plan and quality assurance project plan along with an equipment installation design package. RG Miller | DCCM oversaw the installation of equipment, which included three stormwater samplers and four flow monitoring locations. Stormwater sampling activities began in June 2014 and sampling will be conducted for two or three years. After sampling 24 storm events, RG Miller | DCCM will conduct a statistical analysis of the flow and pollutant monitoring results and will prepare a final report.  

Freeport Street, Phase II

Freeport Street, Phase II Freeport,TX Reconstruction of Freeport Street from IH 10 to Holly Park from an existing 2-lane asphalt pavement with open ditch/small lateral culvert system to 2-lane with continuous left turn lane, concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer system. Storm sewer system included three offsite systems, a new HCFCD concrete low flow channel, and upgrading numerous HCFCD channel crossings all to alleviate occurrence of 1% (100-yr.) flooding in the neighborhood area.  

Wetlands and Stream Mitigation Bank Feasibility Study (Fort Bend County)

Wetlands and Stream Mitigation Bank Feasibility Study (Fort Bend County) Fort Bend County,TX RG Miller | DCCM prepared a feasibility study to determine if the development of a mitigation bank should be pursued, alone or in concert with a partner organization.  The study researched and determined the anticipated supply and demand of stream and wetland credits in the year 2040.  RG Miller | DCCM evaluated the supply and demand by watershed and recommended various possible locations for a mitigation bank.  Private land owners in the target watershed were approached to determine if there was interest in pursuing a joint or collaborative facility.  RG Miller | DCCM interviewed key managers and elected officials at the County to identify policy issues surrounding the establishment of a mitigation bank.  RG Miller | DCCM prepared detailed implementation cost estimates and revenue projections.  RG Miller | DCCM evaluated options using a comparison of calculated net present values.  

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